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1541 Disk Reader (and related utilities)
Copyright © 1994 by Dan Babcock. These programs may be freely
copied and used for non-commercial purposes, including distribution
via FTP (Aminet) and CDROM (Fish, Aminet).
The programs are CLI-based and use standard command-line
parsing (e.g. typing "program ?" will display the argument template).
Kickstart 2.04 or above is required (developed under 3.1). You can
generally abort execution by pressing Control-C.
This document is rather brief and assumes you have a solid
understanding of both the Amiga and the 1541. If you need 1541 in
formation I strongly recommend _Inside Commodore DOS_ by Rich
ard Immers and Gerald Neufeld. That book was the sole reference
used to develop this software.
If you want to contact me for some reason (such as reporting
a bug), my email address is d6b@ecl.psu.edu.
I apologize for the terrible formatting of this text. The ASCII
export of this version of FinalWriterII (release 1...I need to upgrade)
really sucks!
Command line: 1541 DriveNumber FileName [Retry=RetryNumber]
DriveNumber: drive number (0-3)
FileName: file name for disk image
[RetryNumber]: number of times to retry a track before giving up
(default 10)
[TOP]: Read from "other" side of disk. THIS DOES NOT WORK. You
must physically flip the disk. But since I don't exactly know _why_
this option doesn't work, I've left it in for experimentation purposes.
Example: 1541 2 ram:dump retry=20
The "1541" program reads a 1541 disk and produces a disk
image. A "disk image" is simply a block-by-block copy of the disk,
stores as a file. 1541 disk images are frequently given a ".d64" ex
tension, and referred to as "d64" files. (The term "disk image" is pre
ferred, however).
"1541", as may already be obvious, reads from an Amiga
5.25 inch drive; I use the Commodore A1020, and recommend it to
you as well. There is a catch, however. A 5.25 inch drive running at
the standard 300RPM speed can only read 1541 tracks 18-35, that
is, all but speed zone 1. (I'm not going to explain the 1541 speed
zones, so if you don't understand, don't worry about it). Luckily,
though, there is an easy fix: simply slow down the drive. At a some
what slower speed the Amiga is able to read all 4 1541 speed
If you don't know how to use a screwdriver, you may want to
have an expert technician perform the speed adjustment; otherwise,
keep reading. Disassemble the drive casing. Examine (carefully!) the
drive, looking for any turn-able adjustment (potentiometer). In the
case of my Alps drive, there's a rather large adjustment nicely slot
ted for a screwdriver on the circuit board surrounding the drive mo
After you've located the (presumed) speed control, get the
drive in a position in which you can adjust the speed while the drive
is connected and functional. Run the "speed" program (see below),
which continuously prints drive speed information (in RPM) to the
console. I've found that 280RPM works satisfactorily, so that's what I
recommend you use, at least as a start. If you have problems read
ing tracks 1-17 at 280RPM you can try reducing the speed slightly
(but I wouldn't recommend going lower than 270RPM). After you've
read in a few disks as a test, you can reassemble the case and for
get about it. You should still be able to read IBM and AppleII disks at
the reduced speed, but I wouldn't recommend writing to them.
Anyway, once you have adjusted the speed of your drive you
should be able to read 1541 disks to your heart's content. On my
A2000 (68040) it takes about 13 seconds to read a disk. (I could
actually reduce the time to under 10 seconds, but I didn't deem it
worth the effort). One more thing worth mentioning about "1541" is
how it deals with errors. When "1541" finds that it can't read a sec
tor, it places a special identifying mark on the sector
($00,$FF,"LAZARUS" to be precise). That way programs (like Get
Files, see below) that manipulate the disk image can identify sectors
that were unable to be read from the physical disk.
Command line: getfiles DiskImageName [DIR] [EXT]
DiskImageName: file name of disk image (wildcards accepted)
[DIR]: get a directory of the disk image (if not specified a directory
AND dump is performed)
[EXT]: add file type extensions (e.g. ".PRG") to the dumped files
Example: getfiles mydisk
GetFiles is used to extract the files (if any) from a disk image.
If you specify the DIR option a directory will be printed but the files
will not be dumped. Wildcards are accepted in the file name, so you
can easily directory and/or dump many disk images at once. Typi
cally you can use the universal wildcard (#?) because only files with
the exact size of a 1541 disk image will be considered.
GetFiles will rename files that contain illegal (for Amiga filena
mes) characters. For a "/", a "\" is substituted; for ":", ";" is substi
tuted; and for non-printable characters "-" is substituted. In addition,
files containing the special "LAZARUS" signature (see the "1541"
description above) will be reported as corrupt.
1541 files of type PRG, SEQ, USR, REL, and DEL in the nor
mal and locked forms are acceptable. Other types are ignored, but
an informative message is printed. Normally the files are stored "as
is" (except for illegal character substitution), but you can have the file
type added as an extension using the EXT option.
I should note that there is another freely-available program
that performs the same function as GetFiles: UNd64 by Jess Sos
noski. If you are dissatisfied with GetFiles for some reason, I sug
gest you try UNd64. The only major advantage to using GetFiles is
that it can detect the "LAZARUS" signature.
Command line: speed DriveNumber
DriveNumber: drive number (0-3)
The "speed" program measures the drive speed in RPM
(revolutions per minute). Normal drive speed is 300RPM. "Speed"
will continuously print the drive speed to the console (as usual, hit
Control-C to exit). You must have a disk inserted in the drive or
"speed" will not function.
In case you're curious, "speed" works by measuring the time
between index pulses. A simple index interrupt routine takes a
time-stamp of the "E clock" (CIA .7Mhz clock).